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Comments and Letters, US

Dear Team:
Thank you for making the Gautam Buddha show happen in our town, it was indeed my personal interest to see the show and my friends. It was a fabulous show - the screenplay - acting - the drama - the lighting - the background commentary - the music - the temp - slow, pause, active, lightning...was all well coordinated. It simply was gripping and story well told.
When Viji put me on the spot as an underwriter of the show I panicked. That means I will have to write the check if we did not make it. Viji and all the team put in a tremendous effort in making it successful. I was under the gun to make it successful along with Viji-got the two radio interviews and announcements on every hour for four days + 1150 also ran a few ads on Friday, then I upset a few people on my 7000 e-list when I mailed the request 3 times in two weeks. Well, it's all over and thanks Buddha the show was great and did it fine financially for both of the non-profits.
Dallas Morning News Needs the names of the artists and the characters they played. The Dallas Morning News sent the photographer as promised. Thank you Dors, Mark and Hen. Vij or Lushin please forward the names to Mark Holland, Don's Truong and H Nguyen copying me.
Thank you
Mike Ghouse, President (214) 686-4663 

anjali from:
To: Cc:
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 8.30 AM

namaskar Rathanji and Anilkumar. what a fabulous play/show. It was a very fine educational/informative and wellexecute show. Me and my kids enjoyed it thoroughly. My sincere thanks for appreciating Ravis, design.. he was thrilled to see his name! As a proud positiveindian, this Samskriti event brought our Indian performing arts and culture to the forefront of Houston's scene of fine events. I am estimating more than 70% were non-Indians? The show had a strong impact and rightly deserved Wortham (and not Westside High!!) My sincere thanks for your support to It was a proud event for my website to project. I will update my calendar for your future events and highlight them at appropriate time on my webpages.

 Buddham Sharnam Gachhami. Murli and Ravi.  

From: To: Cc: Sent: Monday, June 10,2002 9:41 AM

Subject: Thank you
My family and I set through the Gautama Buddha spell bound with the presentation. These artists did so much to portray His life and message in such a vibrant and profound way. The acting, sound effects, choreography, direction, everything was just superb. We thank you for your tireless efforts in promoting and keeping our "Sanskriti" alive. I have decided to join "Sanskrit" I would also like to help you in nay way I can. Keep up the good work. For another 27 years at least!
Anil, Purnima, Anu, Parul  

Namaste', Hello Jeff,

I wanted to share some information with you about a wonderful show I attended on Sunday, .The Life of Gautama Buddha.. . .It was a fabulous Dance and Performance piece. . .done in English with an all Indian cast. . .I'm including a link to the Houston show, and I know they'll be performing in New York this weekend - June 15 (not sure of the location). was really wonderful show, very moving and inspiring . If you happen to be in New York. . .it's a must see. . .if not .please forward the info on to anyone you know who might be interested . .

Namaste' -Pat
It was a superb show. We learned a lot from the show and enjoyed every moment of it. Please keep on doing the show for a long time. May God bless you all. -Dr. Hasi Das.  

My family and I want to thank you for the beautiful and informative performance of .The Life of Gautama Buddha. which we attended at PurchaseCollege. We appreciated the fusion of Eastern and Western - which was quite interesting and which I believe made the experience easier for those who were not familiar with Indian music, dancing and singing. My 14 year old son said that he thought the acting was very good, and we agree! As for myself, seeing the relationship of the prince to his family, especially his father,made all of their difficult decisions seem more real in the context of our choices in our modern world. I hope that you will return to our part of the world so that we may enjoy the broadening experience of your performances.

June 18, 2002 Thank you for adding us to your distribution list on the activities of Namaskar foundation.
We had the opportunity to see the Life of Gautama Buddha last week in Purchase, NY. It was wonderful. Keep up the good work in attracting high quality talent to the US. One suggestion I would make is that the announcer state that cell phones be turned off during the show. It is distracting to the audience, and even worse for the performers.
Thanks -Amer Amembal  

Good afternoon...Ms Prabhakar...
We really enjoyed the show on Sat and the one before at Rich Forum in Stamford, CT. Vrinda Patel has been extremely helpful in successfully promoting the show with her great email-ship. I think we are already hooked on to the Namaskaar Foundation and are looking forward to the forth coming events. I also wanted to know. ...How can our company become one of the sponsors. for the events.. .The name of our company is Data Square and is based in downtown Stamford. You can check us out at We do database marketing, data mining, data warehousing and statistical programming for fortune 500 companies.

 Any related info will be appreciated.
Raj Gauri, CFO Data Square 733 Summer St., Ste. 601 Stamford, CT 06901 203.943.4321 Fax- 203.964.0783  

Dear Sonali:
I was the underwrite for Gautam Buddha show in Dallas. A very successful show and was co-sponsor as well.
Naseeruddin Shah's play .ismat apa ke naam. interests me, please provide me with the details. It is for Dallas.
We will do it for foundation for pluralims a non-profit orgn. and possibly AID or ASHA organizations.
Thanks - Mike Ghouse 214-325-1916  


I believe knowledge leads to understanding, and understanding to Acceptance and appreciation of people with a different point of view. If we can learn to accept and respect the God given uniqueness to each one of the 6 billion of us, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge.  

Dear Vrunda,

"Buddha. has been the talk of the town here since it played to a nearly full house of a 1000 people on June 9. Everyone loved it. This was the first time we had a nearly 70% non-Indian audience. Can't wait to present .Dance Like a Man. on August 31, as the opener to our 3 day Dance, Drama & Music Festival.
Could you please let me know which artists you are bringing in for your World Music & Dance Festival next spring? Perhaps we can organize some Of their performances here in Houston, under the auspices of Samskriti? In fact, is there a possibility for us to network with you and Ketki in helping bring India's best artists to this country? I have a lot of contacts with well-known Indian dancers all over the world.

You are doing an excellent service to the arts by presenting such high caliber programs. To quite an extent, we have taken inspiration from Namskar's tireless Director, i.e. you, and from the diverse programming That you do for your organization. This year has been very good to us, and We hope to do even beter next year. Thanks for blazing the trail for us. Sincerely,

-Rathna & Anil Kumar 8030 oakington, houston tx 77071 713 772 ARTS  

Dear Sir/Madam,

We really enjoyed the Life drama. It was just little too long. Withoutintermission became very lengthy. Performaers deserve our compliments. -Varsha & Bipin
We thoroughly enjoyed the Life of Gautama Budha play kep up the good show

-Harshad Lakhani, P.E. Lakhani & Jordan Engineers, P.C. 50 East 42nd Street, Suite 1001 New York, NY 10017-5405 Tel. 212-338-9020 Fax: 212-338-9030  

We loved the performance -- very moving. I'm not a Buddhist, but it made me wish I were.
-Mark Drought

hello, I am Debarati from India and presently in stamford. I have had the opportunity to view some of the production of namaskara foundation in stamford and am really pleased. The foundation's work makes me proud an as Indian. I would whole heartedly like to be a part of the foundation.

Myself being a classical and creative dancer , i very much appreciate the cultural enlightment of India in foreign countries. I have performed in many national (Indian) and international festival and as such am interested to be a part of a cultural organization. With all the best wishes, Debarati Basu sarkar
Vrunda Patel  

Namaskaar Foundation 27 Meredith Lane, Stamford, CT 06903 Tel: 203.322.9862 Email:,
Namaskaar Foundation was founded in 1988 to promote, preserve and raise greater awarness and appreciation for the performing arts & culture of India in the United States.
World on Stage is a new initiative by the Namaskaar Foundation in a Continued effort to build a new audience, and share and exchange the culrural heritage of the World.  

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